Thursday, October 25, 2007

Here goes nothing

So I finally did it. Thanks to the nagging of a good friend of mine (you know who you are Eliza) I have finally decided to join the land of computer nerds and start a blog. But I am only a nerd in training at this point so bear with me while I learn how to navigate this. My hesitation to start a blog stems from a fear that no one will read it or that I will be the most boring blogger ever. So here's to hoping that my blogs are somewhat interesting and that you all actually enjoy reading them.


Eliza said...

Welcome to the bloggerhood. I love that I was able to use my Jedi influences on you... muhahahaha

Love ya,

Eliza(the computer nerd spoken of in your post)

spaceyhawks said...

Its so funny how everyone thinks that they are going to be the most boring blogger ever, I have yet to see that, so if you do hold up to that, I will get you "Most Boring Blogger" Award to post, ;-). Love you girl and love the pictures, I was cracking up at drew!!!