Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pay it Forward

I have been on the receiving end of a couple of pay it forward projects and now it's my turn to give back. I will send a little package of goodies to the first 3 people to leave a comment. I think handmade gifts are the best so I will craft together a little somethin' somethin' and send it to you! (Plus it's a good way to see who is really paying attention to my blog. Who doesn't like free stuff?!)


Scatterbrained said...

So, you don't need to send me anything, I just wanted you to know I pay attention! I miss you! Someday we'll get together...

Kim L.

ami said...

oh yes- this is karma. i check your blog each and every day and love it when you update regularly. so get sending my freebie! or you can just bring it with you when you come in july.

Grandma Dance said...

I'm with Ami, Grandpa and I check the blog daily. We love it.
It's fun to watch the kids and your family.
We can hardly wait until July.
PS We already got our care package

Torrie said...

You guys are no fun! I will still send you some goodies. So there!

Darcy said...

Hey if Ami and Grandma are passing up the homemade goodie made by you, I'll take it! I know I'm really number 4, but I also check your blog daily. You are such a good story teller and I know I will laugh out loud everytime I read your blog. I often look at it when I need a good laugh. I understand if I'm too late. I won't hold it against you.

Vinyl Wonders said...

I have you at the top of my blog reader! But I don't need any goodies either!! Love you!

Plus, I don't want the guilt of getting goodies from someones "PIF" and not actually paying it forward. lol.

ami said...

I am not sure how my comment got misunderstood. I WANT THE GOODIES!!!!! i said it was karma because when i did my pay it forward post torrie was in the first three people to comment so she got to pick a book. i'll be checking the mailbox daily.

Megan Gunyan said...

Ah, man.....I'm too late. I check your blog like, every day, but I was out of town the last few days! Augh! :)-