Friday, May 7, 2010

So tired

Avery has grown more and more adverse to taking a nap. At first, this really cramped my style because I really enjoy those few minutes in the day when I have peace and quiet and a little time to myself. But then I realized that when she doesn't nap during the day, she goes to bed soooo much easier at night. So I am willing to let this no nap nonsense slide in order to get a longer evening of *me* time. Oh yeah, and Brent too. :)

There are some days, though, when Avery's little 2 year old body just can't handle anymore activity and she gives up. Sometimes, it is in the middle of a temper tantrum, sometimes while watching a cartoon, and sometimes in the middle of playing. It's extremely random--one minute she's alert, the next she's slumped over, sawing logs. I know by now that if Avery goes silent she's either painting the bathroom with my darkest shade of nail polish or she fell asleep. Last night, Avery came into our room in the middle of the night twice. The first time was to tell me that the birds were trying to get her blankets (maybe I should start buying non-hallucinogenic milk?) and the second was to tell us that someone had stolen her pillow. After shooing the "birds" away and finding the pillow shoved between the bed and the wall, I knew she would be a tired little monkey and would give up at some point today.
Bingo! In the corner, face down on the carpet with her precious backpack on. Don't worry, I checked for a pulse--we're good.


Jon + Kat said...

She is just too cute! I love random spots kids will choose to sleep in!

Vinyl Wonders said...

That is so cute! My boys will never sleep "anywhere"! I would love for them to tire so much during play that they just fall asleep, but no dice! Up by 7:30 and sleepy by 8:30!

Megan Gunyan said...

Ha! She is adorable! At least you could identify her. :)