Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Counting Down

We are going to Seattle to visit Grandma and Grandpa for Spring Break next week. This is normally the sort of thing I do not tell my kids until we are on our way to the airport. That way I can avoid a month's worth of "Is it time to go to the airport? How 'bout now? Has it been a month yet? When do we get to go? Is this like the time when you said we were going to Grandma's house but we were really going to get shots?!" (No, I've never really done that.)
But Drew happened to walk into the room while we were booking the flights so he was on to our plan. The only way he can understand time is to have a chart where he can mark off the days. Every night we mark off one day and then he knows we are one day closer to our trip and he can see how many more days we have to go. He doesn't ever let a day pass without checking it off. After today, we are officially down to 5 days until we leave. We can't wait! (That's his Star Wars drawing at the bottom with the blue and red light sabers and R2-D2 at the side.)


Ashley E. said...

Drew is SO stinkin cute! We all need to hang out more while Kris and I live here!!! :)