Friday, March 27, 2009

Snow Day

It happened again. Yesterday it was in the 70's, my kids were playing in the yard with no need for jackets and today we woke up to this:

I had no idea this storm was blowing in until yesterday. The forecast was very ominous, calling for a couple feet of snow with drifts up to 20 feet. The weathermen really like to freak people out here by making every storm seem like the end of the world. Well, it didn't snow as much as predicted but we got quite a bit for a spring day in Texas. The drifts by the fence were a couple feet tall. You can see that blue riding toy is completely covered on the deck.

All the schools were closed and the whole city shut down early. Brent closed the pharmacy early and what is usually a 45 minute drive home took almost an hour and a half. So we got to enjoy a nice day home together as a family--packing. I love the snow but unfortunately this is moving weekend for us. We are closing on our house on Monday so we have no choice but to move in this weather. Luckily most of the moving has been done but we still have all the big things like fridge, washer, dryer, etc. So hopefully the roads will clear and we can move otherwise Sunday will be crunch time. Wish us luck!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I have been wanting to cut my hair for a long time. I usually let it grow, get tired of it, cut it, get tired of it and let it grow again. It's a vicious cycle. My hairstylist has talked me into keeping it long for awhile and I decided I was ready to chop it off again. I didn't go as short as I intended but I still cut off about 6 inches or so. I was ready for a change so I'm happy with it (for now!). Here is a before and after.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Our House

As I mentioned in a post a few months ago, Brent has opened a pharmacy in Hereford, TX. Hereford is about 45 miles from Amarillo and the drive back and forth was getting tiresome. Plus, with Brent having to leave early and get home late after his commute, we were really starting to miss that extra time with him. We decided to put our house on the market and move to Hereford. 6 months later, we are under contract and will be closing on Monday. Since this was our first house, I took some pictures for our memories and thought I would share them with you since some of you have never seen our house.

And this is what I will probably miss the most (besides the 3 car garage!). There are 3 closets in the Master Bathroom and this baby was mine. It was more like a 4th bedroom, it had so much space. I even had room to set up 2 tables for my scrapbooking stuff. It was like my own little office. I will miss having all this space. These pictures are after most of the stuff has been moved out and some miscellaneous stuff moved in so it's a little messy and empty.

This is only half of one wall-there is another built in and more shelves that extend next to it. Can I please have a moment of silence for my closet, which I will dearly miss? *tear, sniff*

We have really enjoyed this house for the past few years and I will be sad to leave. We have a lot of great memories here but I know it's time to move on. It's a bittersweet feeling to leave. It was a good little first house.

Wild kids

Since our house has been packed down to bare bones, there is a lot of empty space for the kids to run around and be crazy in. We have taken our bed down so right now the mattresses sit on the floor and the kids love being able to climb right up and jump right off. Yesterday they were playing together and having such a fun time that I had to tape it and post it for Grandma and Grandpa to see. Right after I taped this, the kids clonked their heads together and the game was over but it was fun while it lasted. **Remember that we are in the middle of packing our life up so the room is quite messy.**

An open letter to Facebookers

Dear Facebook people,
Just because you have a Facebook account does not mean you can neglect your blog. Keep it updated people. Your fans deserve it.
Thank you.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Something's missing here

Can you figure out what's missing from this picture?
When Drew was a newborn, I would count his toes over and over because it just seemed like there was one too many. But there were always 5 on each foot. The other night I was reading to Drew in his bed and he was laying on his tummy. I looked at his feet and realized that from this angle, it looks like he only has 4 toes on his foot. But of course, when you turn it over, the 5th one reappears. That second toe gets squished in there and pretty much sits on top of the ones on either side. It's like that on both feet.
I don't know which side of the family this trait comes from but I still find myself counting toes to make sure there are only 10. And sure enough, all his piggies are as they should be, just crowded all together.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Funny monkey

Avery is such a funny little girl and she makes me laugh everyday. I thought I would share some funny pictures I have taken of her lately.
Here she is after finding my lipgloss.

I have learned that it is much easier to give my kids showers rather than baths. I don't have to watch them the entire time because they can't drown, there is really no splash mess to clean up and their time is limited because the hot water only lasts for so long. The only problem with this is that they are able to escape at will. This is one of Avery's favorite games--to escape the shower and run around the house naked. The other day, she didn't want to eat dinner so her only option was to take a shower and go to bed. Halfway through her shower, she decided she was hungry for dinner after all. This is how I found her.

Here are some of the faces she likes to give me. This is the "Whatchu talkin 'bout Willis?" face.

Here's the "Give it to me now!" face.

The "I don't want to!" face.

And here is the "You are so lame" face.She is my favorite daughter and I love her so much. I am so happy to have my funny monkey to love and laugh with everyday.

Let it Snow!

It has been in the 80's here lately and yesterday we woke up to snow! I love it and I wish it would snow more here. Every once in awhile it's fun to be stuck indoors with the cold weather outside while you enjoy a nice warm fire inside. Luckily I have not packed the kids heavy coats away so I was able to send them to Mother's Day Out all warm and snuggly.

It has been snowing for most of the day today and then we are supposed to be back up in the high 70s by Monday. So for now, I will enjoy my winter wonderland. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!