Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! I don't know about you but E. Bunny paid a visit to our house last night. Drew wasn't thrilled to have to look for his basket so Brent helped him and when he found the "prizes" he was excited.
Both kids looked very cute in their Easter garb but I could not get them to cooperate for a picture. Here's Drew feeding Avery his tie. She thought it was quite funny.

We had professional pictures taken on Friday with the cousins and luckily Drew and Avery were both in a picture taking mood so everything went great. While the photographer was busy with the other kids, I snapped a few of Avery.
Right before his individual pictures, Drew was running around on the grass with his cousins. Watching him run, I just knew that a grass stain or some sort of mud splatter was in my future. Sure enough, he fell down and got grass stains on both pant legs. I think we were just missing some frogs and snails and puppy dog tails. With a couple of strategically placed hands on the knees, I think we managed not to get any pictures with grass stains.
We had an Easter egg hunt at Grammy's house on Saturday with the cousins, Nyah (Zane's daughter) and Sevy (Jon's daughter). They loved running around the yard looking for eggs.
We are so glad to have spent the time with family this weekend and love the fun we had with our little bunnies!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Do you love it or do you love it?

As you can see my blog has been re-vamped and I LOVE IT! I have to give credit where credit is due. One of my good friends, Liza, has an incredibly talented sister who offered a contest to do blog makeovers for people. As a late entry, I was worried that she wouldn't be able to do mine, but she graciously agreed and now I have a super cute blog! So thanks to Emily for taking the time to spruce up my tired blog. I love it and I'm so glad you made it over! If anyone wants to see her blog or the others she has made over, click here. She has re-done a few blogs and they are all great. Thanks for sharing your talent Emily! (Did I mention I love my new blog?)

She Crawled!!!

Avery crawled for the first time last night! She has had the dead body drag down for a few weeks now and last night, she was up on her hands and knees and she actually moved! Usually, she will rock back and forth and then plop back on the floor and drag herself wherever she wants to go. Last night the kids were getting in the shower so Avery had on just her diaper while I warmed the water. When she drug herself to the tile floor in the bathroom, she decided that was too cold for her little tummy so she pulled up on all fours. She still had not reached her destination so it was either crawl or lay on the cold floor so she slowly moved one knee forward and then the other! She moved about 4 inches before deciding that was too much work. I will try to get some video of her doing it (for Grandma's sake). Now that she's getting more mobile, she's going to give us a run for our money. Time to lock up the cabinets and shut all the doors!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

One less body part

Drew had his adenoidectomy this morning and he did remarkably well. Judging how the rest of his day went, you would never know he was in surgery this morning. He had to be at the surgical center at 6:45 so we had to get him up pretty early. Since it is a relatively minor procedure, just Brent went with him while I stayed home with Avery. I packed a little backpack with a couple of his favorite things because I knew they would have to wait a little bit before and after the surgery. Drew has no problem going to the doctor thanks to our good friend Barney the Dinosaur. He sings a song that says "The doctor is a friend of mine" so Drew doesn't have anxiety at the doctor's office and is quite compliant and tolerant of all the poking and prodding. Plus Drew knows the visit will end with a sticker or a sucker so that always helps. So the wait to go into surgery was good--no anxious pacing or crying. I think it's sort of pitiful and cute when little kids are in hospital gowns so I made Brent promise to take pictures.

I have to admit, even though Drew has been under anesthesia before when he had his ear tubes put in, I was a little anxious for this surgery. Since they had to go in through his mouth, they had to place a tube down his throat and start an IV. Luckily, they did the IV after they knocked him out. So although it is a relatively minor surgery performed everyday, I was still a tad anxious that my little 3 year old would be going under. But everything went well and Drew came out of it nicely. (The blue thing on his hand is covering the IV). The doctor said the adenoids were a little swollen and had some fiberous tissue on them indicating previous infections. While Drew was under, the doctor also cleaned out his ears (one of the tubes was buried in earwax) and took some blood to test for allergies. So all in all, it was a successful procedure and Drew has had no ill effects so far. As soon as they got home, he came running in and wanted to watch the new movie daddy bought for him (Bee Movie). His energy level was about 80% until the anesthesia fully wore off and then he was back to himself. He spent all day running around, playing trains and cars and jumping on my bed. I could tell he was tired but I could not get him to lay down. He finally crashed for a couple of hours at about 5:30 and now I'll probably never get him to go to bed later. I'm glad he's done and hopefully the surgery will help Drew to eat better (not gag as much), not be so clogged up in his nose (no more atomic sneezes!) and get a better night's sleep.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Bathing Beauty

Lately I have found that when I need to give Avery a quick bath and I just don't want to bend over the tub (yes, I really am THAT lazy), it's much easier to put her in the kitchen sink. A little trailer park trashy? Maybe, but it works and it's quick. I actually had the camera nearby this morning to document this time saving activity of cuteness.

She is such a good sport and actually loves her little spa built for one. When I turn the garbage disposal on it's like her own little whirlpool. (No I don't really do that.) And yes, I do clean out the sink before I put her in and let her sit on a cloth. It's not like she's floating around with yesterday's green beans and chicken. Although I could kill two birds with one stone and let her pick her lunch out of the water while she bathes. Now that would be a real time saver...

Friday, March 7, 2008

Our week in random pictures

Nothing really exciting has happened this week other than the fact that Drew pooped in the potty. TWICE!!! We're getting closer and hopefully I won't have to buy two sets of diapers for much longer.

Avery went swimming for the first time on Thursday. She LOVED it! She kicked her legs like crazy and splashed around and had so much fun. Drew loves to go swimming too. He doesn't know how to swim yet so either we hold him or he floats around on a noodle. I wasn't able to get any pictures at the pool because my camera batteries ran out but I did get our bathing beauty before we left. (Thanks Kat for letting us borrow the cute swimsuit! I didn't get a picture with the hat but it was really cute. Unfortunately she wasn't digging the sunglasses so I didn't get that picture either.) Avery seems to find the joy in everything. Even when she eats she completely immerses herself in it has a great time.
Here are some other random pictures from the week:

Avery was the perfect size for this little box so I couldn't resist. She's trying to eat her way out.

Drew loves to run into Avery's room when he hears her awake and climb on a stool he has set up by her crib so he can talk to her. We call her "tooters" sometimes so he will run in and say "Good morning Tooters!" Today he wanted to climb in with her after her nap and turn the mobile on to listen to the music. I love how well they get along and love each other (for now!).

Monday, March 3, 2008

3 cheers for Cheer Texas

The office that Drew has his feeding group at rented out a gymnastics place for all the kids to come and play and be crazy for a while. The name of the place was Cheer Texas and Drew had such a fun time. He was a little hesitant to jump into the foam pit so I started small by having him jump in from the side. When he realized how fun it was, he couldn't wait to run and jump into it from the trampoline.

After he jumped off a few times, he ran over to me and said, "Mom, that was incredible!!" It was so cute to hear him describe it that way and I didn't think I would ever get him to leave. There were 4 big trampolines sunken in the ground for them to jump on and 2 inflatable jumpers that the kids could climb in. It was a big huge room with a padded floor so the kids could just run around and be crazy and that's just what they did.

Avery enjoyed the foam puzzle that was set out and a lot of my energy was spent trying not to let her eat the puzzle pieces.
Before we got there, I told Drew we were going to a place where he could run and play and be silly. When we left, Drew kept saying, "That was so fun to be silly at Cheer Texas!" So now we can add Cheer Texas to the list of Drew's favorite places to go (along with Jump-N-Jive, Chuck E. Disease, I mean Cheese, and Grammy and Papaw's house).