Friday, July 18, 2008


I have seen this on a couple of my friend's blogs so I decided to play along, besides I would like to hear all the memories that we have had together! I guess this is a type of tag post. I am excited to read the comments! 1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! 2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Erin said...

I remember when we all decided to go on the cabbage diet. You fainted I couldn't even walk up the hill to our dorm, but we all lost like 5 pounds. The bad part was that we gave most of our food away. I remember second year when Bucky performed a special dance for me for my birthday (I think he was wearing some of your clothes). I also remember being in your dorm room the first year and we were making up dance routines. Remember the saran wrap? So much fun, I Love ya!

Erin said...

Oh wait there is one more. Remember when we were roommates for the summer term and every night before we would go to bed we would sing "Good Night Sweetheart." You would sing the chorus and I would sing the low part. You wrote about Betsy on my blog... Cruising down the street in my yellow pinto, looking for a bathroom cuz I's gots to go!

Torrie said...

Erin- good times, good times. I forgot about the Bucky dance. How could I forget that? Remember his wrestling unitard? And the Betsy rap--HA HA! Remember...Uh, Un Gawa, your momma don't take no showa. Her feet stink, her bra too tight, her bootie shake from left to right.
Man, fun memories all around! I love it!

Megan Gunyan said...

Oh my goodness....I remember that Gawa song....ha! Torrie, I remember borrowing your mom's mini-van to go "pimping" with everyone in high school. I also remember driving around for hours in that silver car of yours (what was it again?) just talking and eating and what-not. I also remember you coming to seminary with rollers in your were a much braver soul than I.

Torrie said...

The silver car was my Toyota Celica. Remember when Stephen Crandall was driving it (on our way to haunted houses I think) and he hit a bump so hard that it knocked half of my interior lights out for good?

Torrie said...

Or maybe Eric Bjork was driving. Now I can't remember.

Eliza said...

Let's see... a favorite Torrie memory. Let's just say some VERY honest conversations driving back from our weekend in Oaklahoma City. That's all I'm saying

Scatterbrained said...

Okay, so I can't write a novel so I'll just touch on a couple memories. There was "wedgie woman", that crazy sling shot ride in Vegas, your insane love of pickles, and me pucking in the car while taking you to the airport in Portland. I miss you!

Kim Warren Littlejohn ;-)

Sary said...

holy crap...the bucky dance??? i well remember that one too. it seems that i remember brent doing your makeup...wait, didn't we have a night where we did makeup and hair on each other??? hm, i think i still have the pics. it was pretty horrid. and the pinto! all i gotta say is remember when we ran outta gas on the way to slc? i don't remember the name of the 2 drunk dudes who stopped to help us but "are you gonna rape us?" comes to mind. i do remember a...ah..."spell" in the hospital after seeing ol' what's his name after he ripped his arm up in a work accident....i love memories of college...